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Our Mission

Haywards Farm School Mission

At Haywards Farm School, our children are at the core of everything we plan for. We are child-centred with a focus on trauma-informed practices.

We provide opportunities for learning and a broad, enriching curriculum with the intention of regaining a love for learning.  We continuously build our pupil’s confidence, ensuring they leave our school with the confidence to thrive on their next educational pathway, as well as be independent young people.

We pride ourselves on knowing our children well and building trusting relationships for future foundations in our school community and beyond.

 We encourage all our pupils to make the right choices through informed decisions, positive role-modelled support and through an enriching curriculum, supporting them to become resilient, happy, respectful, kind, explorative and inspired individuals.

 We are a caring, nurturing school, and we take our responsibility of caring for our children very seriously.

We are committed to making their time and experiences with us as positive and fulfilling as possible.