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SEN Local Offer

Haywards Farm School recognises that every student is an individual developing at a unique pace, academically, socially and emotionally. The majority of students referred to the school have been assessed and identified as having additional needs due to their SEN, attitude to learning, learning disability or specific medical issues. Therefore, all students receive Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision.

Every child should be given the tools they need to succeed. The quality of children’s teaching has the greatest impact on learning, but some children may require further support that is additional to or different from others to learn best.

 We use the EHCP to support the child and guide the school in planning for individualised learning packages and outcomes as per agreed with parents/carers and other professionals.

 Our holistic approach, curriculum planning and partnership working between the family, child and other professionals are essential to the success of the placement.

Hayward Farm School looks forward to working with pupils and their families to ensure they have full, inclusive access to the learning on offer, meeting the needs of the child and putting them at the forefront of our SEN school model and offer.

The Special Needs Coordinator is Ms Alexandra Walsh (Headteacher)

 Our SEN offer and Policy complies with the statutory requirements laid out in the SEND Code of Practice 0 – 25 and has been written with reference to the following guidance and documents: e_of_Practice_January_2015.pdf